Tractor Quilt for Caleb
I worked on this quilt, collectively, for about 4 years! (Maybe longer. . .) It is my own design, and I used felt to applique the tractors onto the blocks. For the back of the quilt, I used "John Deere" fleece, and tied the quilt with red thread, instead of quilting it. The tractor kind of looks like a John Deere tractor, although it looks even MORE like an Oliver tractor. Notice that I sewed one of the blocks upside down. . . I did not notice it until I had sewn the green and yellow JD fleeced onto the front! But Caleb wanted me to hurry up and finish, so I just left it, as is. Besides, the old folks used to say it was bad luck to make a perfect quilt. But it is a warm little quilt, and Caleb loves it. The green and red plaid material was another bargain find -- only $1 per yard!
Lovely quilt! So colorful!
Thank you, so much!
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