It's not only people who have a story to tell. . . This little lady was a gift to my mother, from an elderly country lady. Daddy was an old-fashioned Baptist Minister, and we visited people on a regular basis--both church members, and those who did not attend church. I remember the lady telling Mama that she just wanted to give her something to let her know how much she loved her. I will forever remember the lady's hands as she handed the little lady to Mama. They were obviously aged and worn, but I somehow knew that they had lovingly and skillfully served her family well. She gave Daddy some old fishing lures that belonged to her late husband. It was such a lovely gesture, and it taught me a lot about the gift of love. Mama, of course, would not let me hold the little lady, but she would take it from the shelf and gently hold it for me to LOOK at! There were a lot of things Mama would only let me look at. . . Mama cherished everything that was given to her. She loved everyone, and treated all with dignity and compassion. Not sure where this little lady came from, but on the bottom it looks like a handwritten serial number: A1949 (copyright symbol) Wadel 1956 / See, I told you I was a nut for old things!
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